Our Solutions

R-Line's precision dental implant systems and prostheses are engineered to system to perfection using biocompatible metal alloys.

R-Line has developed a stringent quality system to provide you with the best solution for dental prosthetics and meet individual requirements.

Dental instruments by R-Line are designed to ensure excellence in performance and simplicity of use by dental practitioners.
Our Solutions

3 Days Basal Implantology Course - Mumbai
The Workshop on 3 DAYS BASAL IMPLANTOLOGY COURSE conducted by Dr. Rohan Virani aims to provide dental professionals with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills.
Trisa Enterprise is all set for the 3 DAYS BASAL IMPLANTOLOGY COURSE in MUMBAI from 18th OCT 2024 TO 20th OCT 2024. Limited Seats Available! Don’t miss out, Register Now!
Key Highlights:
• Implants for Everybody
• Learn Pterigoid Implants
• Lingual Nerve Bypass
• No Bone Graft/ No Sinus Lift
• No Waiting Time
• Gain the Confidence of Placing Implants on Your Own.
Even though I have used R line previously, this case in a Differently abled teenager girl was awsome..thanks to R line design and pt didn't even came to know, also the pitch of rline design was excellent for primary stability esp in maxillary area..
Dr. Ullas
I had a full mouth case today were in i placed 10 in upper & 8 in lower jaw. it was a wonderful experience with R- line implants used it for the first time. Thank you all of u @ Trisa Enterprise arranging the implants at short notice.one day prior I requested Wonderful staff Thank you Dr Rohan & staff once again & also Dr Chaitali
Dr. ojsoni
R line single piece - Superbendability indeed !!! e As sir says " Bend it like Beckham " witnessed it in my case yesterday. The SHARP APICAL TIP was a boon with hardly any bone available to engage. Couldn't have managed it with any other system. Thank u Rohan sir for ur support and guidance.
Dr. Sumeet Delhi
Hello all. I want to share previously done 2 cases under Rohan sirs guidance. I always used to have some trouble with pterygoid implants sir guided me with C FINDER, long drill, R line implants. And now pterygoid implants is so easy and simplified for me that I am doing it very easily in almost all cases. Thanks Rohan sir for amazing R line implants and technique.
Dr. Sajid
In this case 3 implants r of r line series which has very good torque dan rest of implants
Dr. Amol Kolhapur
Had a wonderful experience with R- line implants. Though it was my first full arch case I was very comfortable with the implants. Also Rohan sir's Hd videos and books were very helpful in planning. Thank you Rohan sir once again.
Dr. Ajit Cherian
R Line Implants In Diabetic Patient PpS 195mg dl hbalc 7 ..9 m follow up OpG ..amazing results.
Dr. Hemant Baonekar
East or west R line is the best (not joking its my personal experience)
Dr. Mayuri Jain
Sir I am becoming fan of R line I am very happy and comfortable with your system